Stay in touch with Fabufit Spa

Staying in Touch with Fabufit Spa

Hello Valued Clients,

I wanted to stay in touch with all of you through these trying times.

While we are closed, I wanted to let you know how my life is going at home with my family and what helps keep me sane. While this is not medical advice, I hope it can be as helpful for you as it is for me.

A routine is very important, and so I’m getting up and getting ready like I’m going to work. Morning affirmations are a huge part of my life. I’m also doing morning stretches and some free app workouts daily. My favourite apps for this are 7 Minute Workout: Fitness App and Yoga for Beginners| Mind and Body (Available in the Apple Store and in Google Play Store). Keeping up with being healthy might be hard but it’s now that our body and mind needs it the most. It’s important to keep our immune system up and running.

As well as affirmations and exercise, I take several supplements. Even though it sounds boring, vitamin C (even at a low dose of 1,000 mg) is still at the top of my list. Along the same lines, I find 10 mg of zinc a day has proven very useful in the past, as well as herbs like Astragalus. I recommend asking a health care specialist which supplements will keep you in top shape. They will also be able to advise you whether or not any supplements will interact negatively with each other or with other medications you may be taking.

I’ve built many close relationships with my clients over the years and would love to hear how you are all doing. Please feel free to leave me messages on Facebook or email and let me know what your routine is. If you would like to chat please reach out via text or FaceTime. My number is 604-727-6254.

This is a time for all of us to come together and support each other.

Warmest regards,


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Vancouver Body Contouring Specialist

Alexandra Colella is the owner of FabuFit Body Contouring. Transform your body and mind today at our body contouring and body wrap spa today.

Body Wraps, Eurowave, Juvanesse.

#220 – 997 Seymour Street (at Nelson) in Vancouver BC.

Phone: (604) 727-6254
SMS: (604) 727-6254
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